Quantum Computing Learning Hub


Quantum Gates and Circuits

Basic Quantum Gates

Quantum gates are the building blocks of quantum circuits, similar to how logic gates (AND, OR, NOT) are the building blocks of classical circuits. However, quantum gates have some fundamental differences from classical gates.

Key Differences from Classical Gates

  • Reversibility: All quantum gates (except measurement) are reversible, unlike many classical gates.
  • Unitarity: Quantum gates are represented by unitary matrices, which preserve the norm of quantum states.
  • Linearity: Quantum gates act linearly on superpositions, affecting all components simultaneously.

Single-Qubit Gates

Single-qubit gates operate on individual qubits. Here are the most common ones:

Pauli-X Gate


The quantum equivalent of the classical NOT gate. It flips the state of a qubit from |0⟩ to |1⟩ and vice versa.

X|0⟩ = |1⟩
X|1⟩ = |0⟩

Pauli-Y Gate


Rotates the qubit state around the Y-axis of the Bloch sphere by π radians.

Y|0⟩ = i|1⟩
Y|1⟩ = -i|0⟩

Pauli-Z Gate


Applies a phase flip, changing the sign of the |1⟩ component without affecting |0⟩.

Z|0⟩ = |0⟩
Z|1⟩ = -|1⟩

Hadamard Gate


Creates superposition by transforming basis states into equal superpositions.

H|0⟩ = (|0⟩+|1⟩)/√2
H|1⟩ = (|0⟩-|1⟩)/√2

Phase Gate (S)


Applies a π/2 phase shift to the |1⟩ component.

S|0⟩ = |0⟩
S|1⟩ = i|1⟩

T Gate


Applies a π/4 phase shift to the |1⟩ component.

T|0⟩ = |0⟩
T|1⟩ = e^(iπ/4)|1⟩

Multi-Qubit Gates

Multi-qubit gates operate on two or more qubits simultaneously. These gates are essential for creating entanglement and implementing quantum algorithms.

CNOT (Controlled-NOT) Gate

Flips the target qubit if the control qubit is |1⟩. This gate creates entanglement between qubits.

CNOT|00⟩ = |00⟩
CNOT|01⟩ = |01⟩
CNOT|10⟩ = |11⟩
CNOT|11⟩ = |10⟩


Exchanges the states of two qubits.

SWAP|00⟩ = |00⟩
SWAP|01⟩ = |10⟩
SWAP|10⟩ = |01⟩
SWAP|11⟩ = |11⟩

Toffoli (CCNOT) Gate

A three-qubit gate that flips the target qubit if both control qubits are |1⟩.

Controlled-Phase Gate


Applies a phase shift to the target qubit if the control qubit is |1⟩.

Circuit Notation

Quantum circuits are represented using a standard notation where:

Example: Bell State Preparation Circuit


This circuit creates a Bell state (|00⟩ + |11⟩)/√2 by applying a Hadamard gate to the first qubit and then a CNOT gate with the first qubit as control and the second as target. Finally, both qubits are measured.

Building Simple Circuits

Let's explore some simple quantum circuits and their applications:

Quantum Teleportation

Quantum teleportation is a protocol that transfers a quantum state from one location to another using entanglement and classical communication.

The circuit involves creating entanglement between two qubits, performing a Bell measurement, and applying conditional operations based on the measurement results.

Superdense Coding

Superdense coding allows the transmission of two classical bits of information by sending only one qubit, using pre-shared entanglement.

The sender applies one of four possible operations (I, X, Z, or XZ) to their qubit of an entangled pair, encoding two bits of information.

Quantum Fourier Transform

The Quantum Fourier Transform (QFT) is a quantum version of the discrete Fourier transform and is a key component of many quantum algorithms, including Shor's algorithm.

The QFT transforms a quantum state from the computational basis to the Fourier basis, revealing periodicity in the amplitudes.

Grover's Diffusion Operator

The diffusion operator is a key component of Grover's search algorithm, amplifying the amplitude of the target state.

It can be implemented using Hadamard gates, a conditional phase shift, and more Hadamard gates.

Try It Yourself

Visit our Interactive Lab to experiment with the Circuit Builder. You can drag and drop quantum gates to create your own circuits and see how they transform quantum states.

Circuit Simulation

Simulating quantum circuits on classical computers is an important tool for learning and developing quantum algorithms, though it becomes exponentially more difficult as the number of qubits increases.

State Vector Evolution

The most straightforward way to simulate a quantum circuit is to track the evolution of the state vector as gates are applied. For n qubits, the state vector has 2^n complex amplitudes.

Example: Simulating a Hadamard Gate

Starting with a qubit in state |0⟩, the state vector is [1, 0].

Applying a Hadamard gate transforms the state to (|0⟩ + |1⟩)/√2, with state vector [1/√2, 1/√2].

This is done by multiplying the state vector by the Hadamard matrix:

H = 1/√2 * [1 1]
         [1 -1]

Matrix Multiplication Approach

Quantum gates are represented as matrices, and applying a gate to a quantum state is equivalent to multiplying the state vector by the gate matrix. For multi-qubit gates, we use tensor products to construct the appropriate matrices.

Measurement Simulation

To simulate measurement, we calculate the probability of each possible outcome based on the squared magnitudes of the corresponding amplitudes. We then randomly select an outcome according to these probabilities and update the state vector to reflect the measurement result.

Limitations of Classical Simulation

Classical simulation of quantum circuits faces significant limitations:

Despite these limitations, classical simulation is invaluable for learning quantum computing, testing small quantum circuits, and developing new quantum algorithms.

Universal Quantum Gates

A set of quantum gates is considered universal if any unitary operation can be approximated to arbitrary precision using only gates from that set. Some examples of universal gate sets include:

The existence of universal gate sets is crucial for quantum computing, as it means that any quantum algorithm can be implemented using a small set of fundamental operations.

Looking Ahead

In the next module, we'll explore how these quantum gates and circuits are combined to create powerful quantum algorithms that can solve problems more efficiently than classical algorithms.